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Field Journal 06 February 2024

Writer's picture: ChrisChris

Time: 0824


Suffolk, Va Lone Star Lakes Park

36.85580807776438, -76.57019972374654




NE 1 mph wind gusting to 4 mph

79% Relative Humidity

1017.9484 Millibars

0 Precipitation

Nature walk with Holly and Reba at Lone Star Lakes Park. Roughly 1 hour loop at a very slow pace.


We explored a trail the runs by the parks archery range and did not take any photos. We did hear the peckings of a woodpecker but were unable to spot or identify its species. Multiple song birds could be heard with a number of individual species calls but we did not attempt to spot or identify them either aside from the calls we already personally knew.

Photo of Trametes versicolor
T. versicolor collected on walk

During hike we took a sample of Polystichum acrostichoides as well as a beautiful sample of a large Trametes versicolor.

Upon returning to the car we took the weather and while doing so a mating pair of Cardinalis cardinalis flew past and into a nearby Juniperus virginiana.

Personal Thoughts

Need to look up the calles of:

  • Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow)

  • Thryothorus ludovicianus (Carolina Wren)

  • Setophaga dominica (Yellow Throated Worberler)

  • Turdus migratorius (American Robin)

  • Cardinalis cardinalis (American Cardinal)

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