Time: 1337
Location: Suffolk, Va
1.5mph SW wind Gusting to 8mph
55% Relative Humidity
1009 mbar
Gardening back vegetable garden with Holly.
Work & Observations
Transplanted 4 Raspberry bushes to the outside flower boarder at the vegetable garden entrance with the Red Clover.
Built a bamboo trellis with Holly and sowed luffas on one side an cucumbers on the other.
Corn will need to be thinned in the next couple days.
The cherry tomato leaves are turning yellow. I don't think they have enough nutrients. That was a struggle last year and being sick 3 weeks didn't help. Everything else is happy and booming.
We saw 2 tiger swallow tails resting on the ground and a large bumble bee flying around the farva. There was a slug by the garlic and a tiny inc worm landed on Holly. We got video of it as well as pictures of the butterfly and a frog in the pond.