Time: 2000
Location: Suffolk, Va
Working all home gardens
Work & Observations
Got a lot of work done today. To start off I got the corner raised bed bricked in. I also sharpened the mower blade and cut the front and back turf. While cutting the front turf I weeded it. I left all the perennial weeds in the back turf so the bees have something to eat.
I did de-thatch the back turf and used the clippings to mulch some of the plants in the vegetable garden and front flower bed. Specifically the cherry tomatoes, scallions, white onions, and both straw and blueberries.
Every bed and boarder got fed. I will feed the turf here in a day or two but want to do it right before the rain.
Broccoli got harvested and bug ate some of it with dinner. She said "It's good. Very Fresh."
I moved some of the rock rubble to where the rain runoff is washing out the yard going to the storm drain. I'll probably talk to that neighbor about letting me make that spot a rain garden. I'd like to pitch it to Russ too. Will likely need city approval since it is the easement for the storm drain.
The Marigold, pumpkin, and squash seedlings all got transferred to bigger pots. The pumpkin and squash need to go into the ground here soon.
Lastly I seeded the back vegetable garden bed with corn.
Finally treated the imported red fire ants.
Personal Thoughts, Sketches, and Photos
Current Song Bird Count
House Finch | Mating Pair |
Morning Dove | Mating Pair |
C. Corvis | 1 |
Hermit Thrush? | 1 |