Time: 1635
Suffolk, Va
7°C (44°F)
0cm of Precipitation
E wind 1.5 mph gusting to 3 mph
Solo walk through the back veg garden to see what the front that rolled through yesterday did.
Work & Observations
Front did a number on the plants. The cold covers I made with agcloth ended up working like little sails and broke or loosened the bamboo canes I use to support the covers and some of the plants.
The early planted Vicia faba are all either wind swept or broken. One plant had a couple leaves with a readish color on the under part of the leaf. I did not check the damage to the Pisum sativum var. saccharatum or the Tea & Herb boarder. I felt is was best not to touch the cold covers for now.
The Daucus carota subsp. Sativus, A. ampeloprasum, A. sativum bed, A. porrum and Beta vulgaris 'Detroit Red" all seem to be fairing well. I need to get the rest of the beds mulched this week.
The frost continues to damage the Ipomoea batatas and the Ocimum basilicum in the A. porrum bed. I need to research the hardiness of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in the front boarder as that seems to have quite a bit of frost damge as well.
I'll look at the weather but I may try to feed everything tomorrow. We shall see though.