Time: 1003
Location: Suffolk, Va
0 cm of Precipitation since last entry
Winds calm
1,015 millibars
61% Humidity
Doing Master gardener work at Lonestar Lakes Pollinator Garden's with Jim
Work & Observations
We did a simple bed check today and only worked about an hour. Most of the beds are good. Everything is asleep. We had to dig the drainage hose back in at the firehouse beds and then we raked up the sidewalk there. Bob's Miracle Garden looks great after they finished clearing it before Christmas. Jim told me I could get some of the Saint John's Wort when we trim it in the spring.
At the walnut grove bend there was a bird call I've never heard before but we were working so I couldn't try to ID it.
Cedar creek bed we just did some trash and stick cleaning. The amount of song birds there was incredible. I had to come back and ID some when we were done with the beds. It must bee the berries on the juniper that is attracting them. Most of them were Turdus migratorius (American Robin), but there was also a Setophaga coronata (Yellow-rumped Warbler) which I was excited to see because I've never seen one before. Then there were a few Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow), a couple Thryothorus ludovicianus (Carolina Wren).
Personal Thoughts, Sketches, and Photos
I need to come and get a sample of the ants in the kiosk bed near Bob's Miracle garden to ID them.
Two winter storms are coming tomorrow and Tuesday. I should come back and check that the erosion at the firehouse and ivy hill beds.